Role: Modder • Where: Seattle, USA • When: 2002-2006

Download a pack of my mods here.
A breakthrough game
In 2001 I played the demo for Bohemia Interactive’s first game Operation Flashpoint (OFP). It was groundbreaking in scope and gameplay. The game was completely customizable, and included a mission editor, an in-game scripting language, and . A small modding community had already formed around it online.
I didn’t know it then, but that game would lead me to an exciting career that would take me around the world.
Modding for fun…
Working from Seattle under the handle General Barron, I dove head-first into the game and community, creating numerous missions, addons, scripts, and tutorials. My focus was on making high quality missions, new gameplay systems, back end scripts and systems, and more.
From a hand signals AI command system to voting consoles to vampires—I released more things than I can remember. I eventually worked with a group making a mod called the Enhanced Configuration Project.
…Leads to professional work
One of the team members was an OFP modding pioneer called snYpir. His real name was Pete Morrison, and he went on to help found Bohemia Interactive Simulations. The ECP mod became the backbone of their first product, Virtual Battlespace 1 (VBS1).
Soon, BISim began to plan a sequel. Consequently, Pete reached out to me with an offer to move to Australia to work on Virtual Battlespace 2.