Role: Design Director • Where: Prague, Czech Republic • When: 2014-2015

A new way to train with VBS3
VBS Tactics is a HTML-based product that adds new tactical mission planning and control over AI in VBS3.
In simulation industry terms: VBS Tactics fills the gap between VBS3 and larger constructive simulations, allowing users to conduct real-time tactical maneuver exercises by controlling fire team- to company-size AI entity groups in a 2D virtual environment and visualized in 3D in VBS3.
In game industry terms: VBS Tactics is a Real-Time Strategy interface for controlling AI in the First-Person Shooter VBS3.
My role as Design Director
At the time of development, BISim was operating under a matrix organizational structure. As Design Director I had an indirect role on the project, providing AI Designers to work on the project, as well as coaching for them. They were working on the AI component of the product, which eventually became its own standalone product called VBS Control.